Investors, developers and main contractors working on construction, engineering & renewable energy developments have a range of strategic priorities, one being the health, safety and welfare of all working to deliver their projects. We dedicate our efforts directly to health, safety & environmental management and have a significant track record in the successful delivery of renewable energy projects; HSEF is expertly placed to support your project whatever the stage. We offer our clients a full range of support in all green energy projects including; Bio-mass, Wind and PV solar. We will help you manage risk at every stage of development and ensure compliance with legal standards is achieved throughout the project cycle.

Health & Safety Training

We ensure that employees know how to work safely and without risks to health, while helping you to meet your legal duties.


CDM Co-ordinators

We help you to fully comply with the CDM regulations, providing total support and assistance, no matter your industry or location.


Construction Safety

Our courses simulate real-life situations, providing candidates with knowledge of best practice that they can quickly apply on site.


Our list of services

We provide a comprehensive range of health and safety services:

  1. Accident Investigation

  2. CDM Coordination

  3. Competent Persons

  4. Contractor Health and Safety Audits

  5. Contractors Health and Safety Documentation

  6. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

  7. Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001)

  8. Full Safety Management Systems

  1. ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

  2. LOLER Testing of Lifting Equipment & Machinery

  3. On-site HSE & CDM Coordination Advisors

  4. On-Site Operator and Personnel Training and Testing (NPORS/CPCS)

  5. Principal Designer Capabilities

  6. Site Inspections

  7. Social Impact Assessment

  8. SSIP Accreditation Assistance

More information on our services

CDM Coordinators

We help you to fully comply with the CDM regulations, providing total support and assistance.

Learn more